I found the most fantastic website on the Internet. This site has the most interesting articles on all things business and management. One writer in particular, Steve Tobak, has dead on advise for managers and business owners. Today I read one of his articles titled "10 Ways to Boost Creativity". According to Steve when we can't get those creative juices flowing we should try to "rethink the problem" or "zone out", or probably get a few hours of shut eye. Personally, I find that when I can't get the creative juices flowing, it helps to walk away from the project for a bit and concentrate on another task. When I do this, my mind inevitably goes back to the other project and I can start to relate better to it and the creativity starts to flow again. I can't explain it but it works for me.
I also find that when I reverse engineer the task (work from the end forward), I tend to get a clearer picture of how I want to approach the task. This helps me during the planning stages and make the execution of the task more precise.
Bottom line try whatever works for you. Everyone processes information differently so the process will be different. Just remember to give yourself a break or two during the process.
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