Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Is It Time for a System Reboot?

Sometimes you just need to step outside of the comfort of your daily practices and systems and shake things up a bit.  Think of it as a way to test your systems, practices and theories.

How much of your daily work is performed on auto pilot?  You have devised a system that works so well, you don’t have to think about it.  Well, you should consider performing a system audit at least once per year. 

There are many tools available to help create an efficient and effective work environment.  Some of the more popular efficiency and management tools include Basecamp, Asana, Freedcamp, Google Mail, and Microsoft Outlook.   

Before you can decide on the right tool, you have to first understand what you need the tool to do for you.  You may need an application that can works on very particular platforms; or one that allows you to turn an email into a task with a reminder.  Knowing what you need from the tools you use can save time and money. 

Measuring the efficiency and efficacy of tool is just as important as the tool itself.  Make sure you can measure how well your tools are working for you today and use it as a baseline when you measure the how well the new tools works.

If the new tool doesn’t improve your processes or increases efficiency for you, don’t switch.  Sometimes your current tools is perfect but you won’t know for sure unless you test it against another similar tool.

P.O. BOX 6582
Houston, TX 77265

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